Les articles en anglais devront répondre aux conditions suivantes

Les articles en anglais devront répondre aux conditions suivantes

Language of the Article

The articles are to be submitted in English. 

Format of the Articles

The articles are accepted in DOC or DOCX. format. The length of the article is to be comprised of 12 to 20 pages.

Texts have an average of 10 000 characters.

The title and subtitle of the article must be followed by the LAST NAME, and first name of the author and his/her institutional affiliation.

Authors’ Affiliation

The author’s affiliation must be mentioned. If the author is affiliated to an academic or research institution or any other organization or company, it must appear alongside the title and/or position occupied.

Abstract and Key Words of the Article

The abstract of the article has a maximum length of 10 – 12 lines and it should include 5 – 8 key words. The abstract provides a thorough and concise summary of the articles, tackling the following elements: the context, the objectives, the methodological approach and the main findings.

Text Composition

The body of the text should be presented in “Normal” style “Times New Roman” with a font size of 12 points. 

  • Concerning the notes used in the article should appear as footnotes, in numerical order (1,2,3,…), in the same font as the rest of the text.

In-text citations and referencing

  • The references throughout the text are to be presented as follows; Author’s name year: page, between brackets.

For example: (Author’s last name year of publication: page number)

Bibliographical References

  • Bibliographic references should be placed at the end of the article, in alphabetical order.
  • Only works mentioned in the text are to be placed in the Bibliography.

Please follow the recommendations below for citing your bibliographical resources:

  • For Journal Articles:

Author’s name followed by initial(s) of 1st name(s) in capital letters then year of publication. “Title of the article”, Title of the Journal, volume : first and last page of the article.

                            For example:
  • PUTNAM R. D. 1995. “Bowling Alone Revisited”, Responsive Community, 5: 18-33.
  • GARINE I. (de) 1969. « Pour une anthropologie de l’alimentation », L’Homme IX(4) : 125-126.
  • For Books:

Name of the author in capital letters initials of the first name of the author. Year of Publication. Title of the Book in the original language, place of edition: editor.

For example:

MOORE C.H. 1970. Politics in North Africa. Boston: Little Brown and Co.

Name of the first author in capital letters initials of the first name of the first author, & Name of the second author in capital letters initials of the first name of the second author. Year of publication. Title of the Book in the original language, place of edition: editor.

For example:

GRAZER B. & FISHMAN C. 2015. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life. New York : Simon & Schuster.

  • For a co-edition:

For example:

P. HUNTINGTON S. & H. MOORE C. (eds.). 1970. Authoritarian Politics in Modern Society. The Dynamics of Established One-Party Systems. New York: Basic Books. 1970.

  • For a contribution in a collective book:

BOULY DE LESDAIN S. 2002. « Alimentation et migration, une définition spatiale », in I. Garabuau-Moussaoui, E. Palomares & D. Desjeux (eds.) Alimentations contemporaines : 173-189. Paris : L’Harmattan.

THOREAU H.D. 2016. “Walking.” In The Making of the American Essay, in J. D’Agata (ed.), 167–95. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press.

  • For a Thesis/ PhD :

VENTURA I OLLER M. 1999. À la croisée des chemins. Identité, rapports à autrui et chamanisme chez les Tsachila d’Équateur. Thèse de doctorat en anthropologie sociale et ethnologie. Paris : EHESS.

HORVATH-PLYMAN M. 2018. Social media and the college student journey: An examination of how social media use impacts social capital and affects college choice, access, and transition. Doctoral Dissertation in Education. New York: New – York University.

  • Concerning « Personal communication » or « unpublished data »: They must be indicated as such.
  • Regarding references for books accepted for publication, but not yet published, authors ought to adopt the same format used for referencing books, with the mention «forthcoming ».
  • For online/ electronic publications:

All internet resources used by the authors, in the framework of their articles, must be mentioned in the Bibliography, including the date of consultation:

The name or names of author(s) followed by the initial(s) of the first name(s) in capital letters, (year of publication), Title of the publication in the original language, name of the journal/ editor, volume, web address and date of consultation.

For example :

HUBERT A. 2001. « Alimentation et Santé : la Science et l’imaginaire », Anthropology of food, accessed 17 September 2009: [http://aof.revues.org/1108]

FELLUGA, D. 2011 “Guide to Literary and Critical Theory”Purdue University, accessed 23 May 2023 :  [www.cla.purdue.edu/english/theory/]

  • Concerning the tables and illustrations:
  • It is to be noted that illustrations shall be place within the body of the text. Also, the author shall make an explicit reference to the illustration in the text of his/her article.

For example:

Figure 3 : Title of the Figure

  • The legend ought to be inserted if necessary.
  • The Credit of the Source must be indicated.
  • Titles of illustrations must be placed above. Legends must be placed under illustrations.
  • For the Quotation Norms:

The norms for referencing short and long quotations differ as follows:

  • Concerning short quotations: the authors shall insert the quotation within inverted commas in the body of the text. The citation must be followed by: the author’s name, year of publication, page number, between brackets: (Smith RM 2001: 200).
    • Concerning short quotations from interviews: between inverted commas, in italics, in the main body of the article.
  • Concerning longer quotation (more than 5 lines): line feed, quotation between inverted commas, followed by author’s name, year of publication, page number, between brackets: (Smith RM 2001: 199).
    • As for longer quotations from interviews: line feed, quotation between inverted commas, italics.