May 30, 2024

Prof. James F. Hollifield at Euromed University in Fez:
“Challenge of Forced Migration and Human Displacement”

Euromed University in Fez welcomed, on May 30, 2024, Professor James F. Hollifield who gave an enlightening lecture on migration governance and global humanitarian crises. A prominent member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York and a recognized expert in the field of migration, Professor Hollifield brought his expertise and insights on migration governance.

It should be remembered that Mr. Hollifield holds the “Ora Nixon Arnold Chair in International Political Economy” and Director of the Tower Center at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas. Prof. Hollifield has devoted much of his writing to issues relating to aspects of political and economic development, with particular attention given to migratory movements, and he has worked as an advisor to various governments in North and South America, in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He has also served as a consultant to numerous international organizations, including the United Nations, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the European Union, the OECD and the Organization of American States.

During this conference, Professor Hollifield shared his thoughts on this pressing issue, providing insightful insight into the global humanitarian crisis linked to forced migration by addressing issues related to the complexity of migration policies and the dilemmas of governance and the management of this social phenomenon. Drawing on his experience as an advisor to governments in North and South America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, as well as his contribution as a consultant to various international organizations, Mr. Hollifield brought a unique perspective and valuable expertise to this academic discussion.

“Forced migration continues to increase across the world, affecting regions as diverse as the Moroccan borders, the southwest United States and the Mediterranean coasts. In this context, states face a complex challenge: how balance their security imperative with their duty to protect the human rights of displaced people, asylum seekers and migrants in general?” Mr. Hollifield clarified during this meeting.

This conference was a unique opportunity for our students and teacher-researchers to understand the complex issues linked to forced migration and human displacement and also an opportunity to promote constructive dialogue on how States can respond effectively and ethically to these major challenges.

This meeting, which enriches the Activities of the Alliance of Civilizations Chair at the Euromed University of Fez, is part of a series of large-scale events held within the UEMF aimed at strengthening the dynamic intellectual and stimulate the thinking of young students at the Euromed University of Fez.

February 7, 2024

Prof. Ghazi Gherairi at Euromed University in Fez:
“What Alliances for What World in 2024?”

As part of the cycle of conferences initiated by the Euromed University of Fez, the Alliance of Civilizations Chair of the UEMF organized a conference moderated by Mr. Ghazi GHERAIRI, on Thursday February 7, under the theme of: “What alliances for what world in 2024? “.

Doctor in public law and political science, Mr. Ghazi GHERAIRI is a former Ambassador representing Tunisia to UNESCO as well as to the International Organization of La Francophonie. He was also Secretary General of the International Academy of Constitutional Law.

A conference which was held in the presence of students, Vice-Presidents of the University, Directors and heads of establishments and Teacher-researchers of the University saw moments of collective reflection on the alliances of civilizations and the need to achieve a new world order that is fairer and more united by taking into account the diversity of contemporary societies and relying on constructive, honest and sustainable dialogue.

The speaker highlighted a topic of crucial importance, given the state of uncertainty that currently envelops all parameters related to international relations and global systems. He reviewed the political, economic and ethical issues of the alliance of civilizations in a recent context through a geopolitical and geoeconomic reading of the current world. Climate crisis, humanitarian crisis and even the emergence of new technologies and the use of artificial intelligence, are all challenges that humans must face in order to create an honest and healthy dialogue for a peaceful world and a universal civilization.

Thus, the meeting was an opportunity for UEMF students, in particular those of the Master “Conflict Management and Alliance of Civilizations” to discuss with Dr. GHERAIRI around a certain number of questions related to the subjects discussed during this academic conference.

This event, which is also part of the Activities of the Alliance of Civilizations Chair of the Euromed University of Fez, adds to the series of large-scale events held within the UEMF with the aim of strengthen the intellectual dynamic and stimulate the thinking of young students at the Euromed University of Fez by offering them a real opportunity for revealing and constructive exchange.

It should be remembered that the creation of this Chair was decreed during the 9th edition of the World Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) held in Fez on November 22-23, 2022 by the High Representative of the UNAOC, HE Miguel Angel Moratinos.

Insights from Conflict Zones: Professor Lola Bañon Castellón’s Seminar
on 20th and 21st Century Geopolitical Dynamics

Lola Bañon Castellón is a P.hD professor in Journalism at both the University of Valencia and the Open University of Catalonia. She has spent 25 years in the TV news business as a journalist, covering conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa. In addition to her academic activities, she has chaired the FACM Foundation and received several awards for her activism, defending human rights. She is also a member of various boards and committees related to communication, culture and international human rights.

At the seminar held from November 28th to December 1st 2023 ,as part of the Specialized Master’s program in Alliance of Civilizations and Conflict Resolution, the professor shared her expertise on national and regional conflicts over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries. Pr. Bañon has diligently covered many of the geopolitical situations and crucial events in contemporary history. From the First World War to the Israeli-Palestinian “conflict”, the seminar covered several major events in human history, such as the Gulf Wars, the Soviet-American rivalry, the wars of independence, and the current Russian-Ukrainian war. Each was thoroughly analyzed, highlighting the causes, impacts and key lessons for the future. The seminar offered an enriching perspective on the complex dynamics of contemporary and past crises.

Alliance of Civilizations Chair