To ensure the long-term sustainability of the Chair’s initiatives, a doctoral school will be established, dedicated to various aspects and issues related to the alliance of civilizations. From its inception, it will benefit from the Chair’s contributions, the support of the University’s Doctoral Studies Center, and existing collaborations with doctoral schools at Mediterranean and international universities.

  1. Religious Fields in the Dynamics of Mediterranean History (philosophical, sociological, economic, and political approaches).
  2. The Roles and Practices of International Institutions in Crisis Management, and Establishing Peace in the World.
  3. Today’s Youth Confronting the Challenges of the Postmodern Society.

  1. Enable PhD students to acquire cross-disciplinary training, taking into account ongoing developments in the field of knowledge.
  2. Provide PhD students with international mobility opportunities to deepen their understanding of the challenges that shape contemporary realities.
  3. Support PhD students in their interactions with international organizations, allowing them to become familiar with their working tools and strategies.
  4. Assist PhD students in developing their personal and professional projects.

The Doctoral School will operate through interdisciplinary seminars in which prominent researchers and the PhD students themselves will participate.

Alliance of Civilizations Chair