The main theme of the Euromed University of Fez Meetings demands a multidisciplinary and cross-sectional analysis. The committee of the Euromed University of Fez Meetings has proposed several key topics for reflection and exchange, which will be addressed over the course of two days, incorporating contributions from various participants:

  1. Toward an Alliance for Peace Through Trust: Pathways to building peaceful, cohesive, and just societies
    through the advancement of interreligious, intercultural, and intercivilizational dialogue.
  2. Governance for the Future Through Trust: Combining economic growth and job creation in a context of global transformation.
  3. Preventive Diplomacy and International Cooperation Through Trust: Toward a more secure world.
  4. Acting for the Future Through Trust: Global strategies for climate and energy sustainability.
  5. Transparency, Accountability, and Trust: The foundations of sustainable global governance.
  6. Investing in Trust for the Future of Health: Strategies for healthier and more resilient societies.
  7. Building a Smart Future: The challenge of artificial intelligence and human trust.
  8. Euro-Mediterranean Partnerships: What trust for new perspectives?
  9. Migration and International Cooperation: Toward more humane and coherent immigration policies.
  10. Refugees, Asylum, and Integration: Addressing humanitarian and social challenges.
  11. Interculturalism and Pathways to Restoring Trust.
  12. Valuing Diversity as Levers of Trust: Perspectives for an inclusive and innovative global society.

Alliance of Civilizations Chair